3 Marketing Strategies For Real Estate Agents Who Need To Gain More Clients

If no one knows who you are and what you do, then you won’t be in business long or in this case, you won’t make it as a real estate agent. Marketing plans for real estate agents are pivotal to every agent’s business and it is important so that you can help clients buy houses and sell houses. There are many ways real estate agents can leverage marketing to their advantage that can help get in front of qualified leads that can become clients. Here are just 3 of the best marketing strategies for real estate agents to gain more clients and you are not limited to these 3, but these are really important to your real estate business:

Real Estate Agents Need To Make Videos

Video is probably the #1 thing a real estate agent can do that will not only make them stand out from the crowd of 1000’s of other real estate agents, but will put you in front of more eyeballs who need your services. There is no excuse why a real estate agent shouldn’t have videos because most agents own smartphones and every year, the cameras on smartphones get better and better. And there are several types of tripods and selfie sticks so that you don’t have to wait on some to shoot video of you. Facebook is becoming more of a video hub and get you more people to view it and share it. Youtube still remains the top video platform, so you could post a video to Facebook then upload it to YouTube and make sure that your link it back to your website. You can also post your real estate video to our Video Platform for Real Estate (Real Estate Videos for REAIO). Here’s an example of a video just giving the public an understanding of who you are as a real estate agent and what your charge is as your agent:

Real Estate Agent Profile Video

Real Estate Agent Using Periscope For An Open House

There are also ways to do LIVE video, so potential clients can view things like Open Houses, your day to day work, or just conversations you have with your audience. The more popular LIVE streaming services for real estate agents are Facebook LIVE, which is becoming more popular since opening up LIVE broadcast to everyone. This allows you to leverage your current facebook contacts and if you own a Facebook Group, you can easily broadcast to your group. Of course there is Periscope. You have real estate agents doing LIVE ‘Scopes (LIVE PERISCOPE VIDEO) of Open Houses and it help people who are out of town, or may not have the time to check out the place due to a very busy schedule. They were really one of the first out there doing it with lots of users as they got started and although they remain a place where many people LIVE broadcast, they are losing ground to Facebook LIVE and leveraging your FB friends is a gamebreaker. If you like to tell stories with video, you should look into SnapChat. Snapchat is not just for teens, there are many brands and marketers using Snapchat to build their following. And just last month, Instagram introduced a Snapchat feature within their platform (you can post video on IG too) called Instagram Stories.

Social Media for Real Estate Agents Is Key

We spoke earlier about several social video platforms to enhance the marketing strategies for real estate agents, but you want to make sure that you are active on social media platform. No one likes a stale social channel and stale channels end up getting unfollowed. Facebook is still one of the best places to communicate with current, past, and new clients. Doing things like posting pictures of what goes on in the life of Real Estate Agents, probing questions, and replying to messages is a great way to build trust with your audience. Twitter is another social media site for real estate agents. It is a great way to see what people are talking about and it gives you a change to jump in on the conversation. Show others on Twitter that you are an expert in your field and it could help you showcase more about your real estate business. Instagram is a nice way to take pictures of listings to not only help you sell the current houses but also get pictures of how life is as a real estate. Google+ is still a good place to post links to blogposts and articles. Yeah we know, they couldn’t take down Facebook, but it still provided you with. Every post on Google+ with your Google+ Business Page and anyone you are connected to. The articles show up in the top of related Google searches.

Real Estate Agents Need To Be Networking

There is still lof of business in real estate still handled using good ole’ fashioned business cards and networking with people. Bringing up the fact that you are a real estate agent to friends, family, people you meet is a great way to drum up business for yourself. Having a personal connection with people in the community is something that many potential clients are looking for in a real estate agent. As automated as we have become as a society, from the interacting with ATM instead of tellers now to calling in to a company and getting an auto attendant versus a receptionist, we still like to hear and see a friendly voice and smile. Sure you may not reach as many people as you would with social media or posting a video online, but its the kind of personal touch people are looking for when it comes to something as personal as their next home.

Real Estate Agents, Need Help With Marketing?

If you need any assistance with any of this, shoot us a message and we can help you get going with these 3 marketing strategies for real estate agents to gain more clients.
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